
Windows help viewer keyboard shortcuts      
Press this key     To do this
F3Move the cursor to the search box
Ctrl+PPrint a topic
Ctrl+FSearch the current topic
EndMove to the end of a topic
HomeMove to the beginning of a topic
Alt+homeDisplay the help and support home page
Alt+ADisplay the customer support page
Alt+right arrowMove forward to the next (previously viewed) topic
Alt+left arrowMove back to the previously viewed topic
F10Display the option menu
Alt+NDisplay the connection settings menu
Alt+CDisplay the table of contents
Windows explorer keyboard shortcuts       
Press this keyTo do this
Ctrl+shift NCreate a new folder
Ctrl+NOpen a new window
EndDisplay the buttom of the active windows
Alt+enterOpen the properties dilog box for the selected item
Alt+PDisplay the preview pane
Alt+left arrowView the previous folder
Alt+right arrowView the next folder
Alt+up arrowView the parent folder
Ctrl+mouse scroll wheelChange the size and appearance of file and folder icons
Alt+DSelect the address bar
Ctrl+ESelect the search box
<>Paint keyboard shortcuts              </><></>
Ctrl+ZAndo a change
Ctrl+NCreate a new picture
Ctrl+OOpen an Axisiting picture
Ctrl+SSave changes to a picture
F12Save the picture as a new file
Ctrl+PPrint a picture
Alt+F4Close a picture and its paint window
Ctrl++Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape out line by one pixel
Ctrl+BBold selected text
EscCancel a selection
DeleteDelete a selection
Up arrowMove the selection or archive shape up by one pixel
Down arrowMove the selection or archive shape down by one pixel
Right arrowMove the selection or archive shape right by one pixel
Left arrowMove the selection or archive shape left by one pixel
Ctrl+CCopy a selection to the clipboard
Ctrl+VPaste the selection from the clipboard
Ctrl+-Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+GShow or hide gridlines
Ctrl+RShow or hide the ruler
Ctrl+page downZoom out
F11View a picture in full-scree mode
Ctrl+page upZoom in
Ctrl+WOpen the resize and skew dilog box
Ctrl+EOpen the properties dilog box
Ctrl+IIntalicize selected text
Ctrl+UUnderline selected text
F10 or altDisplay keytips
Shift+f10Show the current shortcut menu
F1Open paint help
Magnifier keyboard shortcuts
Press this keyTo do this
Ctrl+alt+spacebarShow the mouse ppointer
Ctrl+alt+FSwich to full-scree mode
Win logo+sign or menus signZoom in or out
Ctrl+alt+LSwich to lens mode
Ctrl+alt+DSwich to docked mode
Ctrl+alt+IInvert colors
Ctrl+alt+arrows keysPain in the direction of the arrow keys
Ctrl+alt+RResize the lens
Win logo+escExit magnifier
Saturday, December 22, 2012 | 0 comments |


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